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Thought for today: A Tree Planted

Thought for today: If there was a scripture that has really touched my heart and is challenging me it would be Psalm 1:3 “And he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that bringeth forth his fruit in his season; his leaf also shall not wither; and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper.”

We all know that we face challenges in life, and sometimes it is hard for us to see or know what season we are in, because the enemy likes to tell us that God can’t use us. But here David says back up in 1&2 Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth in the way of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful. 2But his delight is in the law of the Lord; and in his law doth he meditate day and night.

When we plant our hearts and will, in the things of God and we turn from what we know to the things He desires to teach us, things change in our lives. And we become Blessed… I love just the sound of that, because the enemy is always trying to tell me, you, sure, why would He want to use you? Because I am His child warts and all and he loves me.

In verse one He challenges us to lose the attitudes of the world, but to delight in Him and His Word Day and Night. To be planted in place of worship, that feeds us the nutrients that we need to Grow and produce fruit… and what we put our hands too will prosper… Because right attitude and relationship explode His goodness in our lives, we will desire to share Him our mouths will declare Him and others will come to know Him as Lord and Savior out of the abundance of our hearts. I know what it is to be attacked by the enemy… The other night the enemy attacked my mind as I slept and the dream, I was having was terrible… but when you get this word into your spirit it will come forth…?  But even during a dream God will show up…  There have been times I laughed because  I was singing in my dream…”Satan the blood of Jesus is against you…!”

 ”Satan the blood of Jesus is against you…!”

”Satan the blood of Jesus is against you…!”

”Satan the blood of Jesus is against you…!” and “He will give you the Victory!”

When you become a worshipper and align your focus on Him… even when the enemy attacks in your sleep, “GOD IS AN EVER PRESENT HELP IN THE TIME OF TROUBLE, HE DOES NOT SLEEP!” And God’s Word will flow out of you, because you are a tree planted by the river the winds may come, but they will not affect you… your roots are deep in Him… And He declares you as Blessed and Prosperous... When we run to Him our roots go deeper and deeper, the strength of a tree is in it’s root system… Shallow roots and trouble come and it will fall, deep roots the strength of tree should tell us go deep into the things of God and be fed Life and Life everlasting! Have a Great Day in the Lord!


My prayer today is that we all remember how important prayer should be to us.
Something to chew on today as you go through your day.
Have a blessed and great day!